Ruby has been a bit of a challenge lately - fussy, frustrated with her lack of mobility, & this conflicting blend of wanting me to be with her every minute while pushing my hands away as I try to help. It's been hard & has left me multiple times with my hands thrown in the air not knowing what to do. So I have decided to lead my heart & show it the way to happiness. Because if I were to follow my heart at this time it would only lead me to frustration. I'm leading this heart of mine to remember the good moments of the day, as there are many. I'm leading it to see that this little person that is challenging me is going to teach me a lot. I'm leading it to see the humor in a fit that resembles a mini seizure. And I'm leading it to start fresh each day with renewed patience & strength. I have found that sometimes my heart can't be trusted & so I have to change it & lead it to a better kind of love. And I'm finding it. I adore that baby like nothing else & I'm secretly pleased that she's so stubborn & strong-willed. This feisty little girl is going to move mountains.