Over the past several years Mother's Day hasn't been my favorite day. I haven't spent it weeping & wailing but I have spent it with an aching heart as It was a painful reminder of what I lacked. I was always impressed by people who talked to me on that day because it must have felt uncomfortable & a little scary. Grief does odd things to people & it's hard to know how someone will react. Last year I had my best Mother's Day to date. A friend approached me in the hall at church & said, "So do you hate this day or what?" I told her I did & I remember feeling so accomplished because I didn't even get teary eyed. She said, "You have every right to. What you're going through is really hard & I'm sorry." I hadn't realized until that moment that those were the words I'd been longing to here. They were honest & simple & validating. They didn't try to make what I was going through better. Words could never have done that. Especially not on Mother's Day. I don't know that I'll ever have a Mother's Day where I won't remember those feelings that I had & how hard it was & I'm grateful for that. Because it makes me so grateful that I get to be a mother. I get to take care of this little person that I adore 24/7. Being a mother is hard but I know from experience that wanting to be a mother is much harder. Faced with the choice I'd choose being a mother every time.