The Calm Before the Storm

Lately I've had to keep a closer eye on Ruby throughout the day. She's not crawling yet but she's figuring out other ways to get around & is suddenly so grabby & curious. Mobility is going to be a game-changer & I'm not sure I'm ready for it. I'm afraid I might have a wild child on my hands. Here's what she's been up to:
Trying new foods. I was determined to get Ruby to eat greens & then she projectile vomited them up after 2 bites. Well played on her part.
She's learned how to suck on her toes. Disgustingly adorable.
She is trouble in that thing.

She has that cute little tooth on the bottom now.
And she is going through the phase right now where every time I leave the room she starts crying hysterically. It's a good thing she's so cute.