The Life of a Baby

It blows my mind how quickly our baby is growing up. Here's what she's been doing lately:
Being adorable
Playing with toys & practicing her "attitude" face. Let's hope that was unintentional.
Sitting in her bouncy seat outside & loving every minute of it.
This girl is obsessed with being outside & we LOVE it! She can be out there for hours with us & won't make a peep. Tyler is convinced this means she's going to love the outdoors & camping as much as him. I can't wait to see if she likes swimming this summer!
Sitting up with a little bit of help.
Hanging upside down

She has also learned to spit which I surprisingly find kind of cute...only a mother's love I guess. And she loves when I read books to her - she'll sit through several of them & turns her head left to right really fast looking at the pages. She's the best sleeper around (which I will forever thank Babywise for) & she loves her mama. I love the way her eyes follow me when I leave, & how she kicks & squeals when I come to get her out of her crib, & how she seems to reserve some of her very best smiles & laughs for me. I feel such a connection with this little person & it reminds me that we were always meant to be together. It was always her that we were waiting for.