10 Months

"Precious jewel you glow, you shine, reflecting all the good things in the world."
-Maya Angelou

The Day to Day

I was thinking today about what life was like before Ruby. It's becoming more of a distant memory & it's kind of strange to think there was ever a time when she wasn't here. I'm not sure what on earth we ever did without her. Well, I guess we did things like go to late night movies, or make last minute plans & there certainly was never a thought about packing house & home anytime we left. We basically did whatever we wanted & that part of our lives was really happy & fun. But this new life is even better. It requires planning & being really proficient with one hand instead of two & acting like a total idiot for a laugh. Today as Ruby & I were lying on the floor in her room surrounded by a sea of toys & books, she just looked over at me & gave me the sweetest smile & then giggled. And I felt like I was just going to burst from all the love I have for that girl. My days are filled with her smiles & laughter & incessant chatter. And lately she's thrown clapping & high fives into the mix. And as much as I want to freeze time & just keep her this way for a little longer, she just keeps getting better & better. And I'm kind of loving that she seems to think I set the sun.

Father's Day

When we first brought Ruby home from the hospital I was admittedly scared to death. Suddenly everything was just so real & serious & I was responsible for keeping another human being alive for crying out loud. And then there was Tyler. He was calm & collected. The boy who hadn't read a single parenting book just jumped right in & made it look easy. That's one of the things I love most about him - his very presence gives me confidence & reminds me that I can do anything with him by my side. I love watching him be a dad & I love watching the way Ruby loves him. She has turned into quite the daddy's girl & she can hardly contain her excitement when he walks through the door. He lets her drink on the counter in her diaper, he's messy & silly & has an endless supply of energy. Ruby is one lucky girl.

Battle of the Bow

This girl is more into jewelry than me these days:

Headbands, however, are another story:

She's doing this no less than 10 times a day. And every time she does it I use my "serious" tone & tell her "no". And then she laughs. And then I laugh. I clearly need to work on my "serious" tone.


For some time now Ruby has been babbling "dadadadada" all day long. It's adorable & no matter how many times I encourage her to say "mama" she just looks at me with her little smirk like she's holding out on me. But yesterday there was a distinct "mama" that came out of her mouth once & then again & again. You experience these amazing little moments as a mom when your child does something for the first time. I never could have imagined how fun it would be until I had Ruby. My eyes quickly became teary & I suddenly realized the power that one little word carries. It was a new kind of fulfillment. And while I know that in years to come that word will be yelled & muttered in annoyance or frustration, right now it is only said sweetly & I'm going to love it while it lasts.